Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, I think it's quite obvious, three months later. . . . I blog no more. I never even started the so-called "private blog" back when I meant to escape an unfriendly. I didn't have the "ooomph".
I started blogging back in 2004 or 2005, I can't quite remember. I did it initially to stay in touch with my family in the great white north & my friends who swelter south of the Mason Dixon Line. I never thought I'd make and meet the friends that I did throughout my time at Texaconsin Diva. It's been lovely. And fun. But somehow and someway I got fulfilled from something in someway. I love to write, badly as it may be, but I also love to share, even if it was too much at times. I also started to write not for me, but for my readers, which is not to say a bad thing. It's just that I wanted to quit long ago, but didn't want to let anyone down. No, no, your life certainly doesn't revolve around me and mine. I get that. I just felt obligated to keep on keeping on. Then I stopped. Suddenly. And out of the blue, when I checked my blog 3 months later & still had nothing to share or write, I knew it was time to leave "Tales of a Texaconsin Diva" behind.
Besides, most of my extra time is spent in marathon training. Yep. I'm at it again. One more for the road. For some reaon, which is only known to the Gods that Be, I just can't quit running like a girl. . . . .
A great shout-out of thanks to those of you who came, read, supported and even felt compelled to comment every now and again. I've run my course here in this great blog-o-sphere of ours. I have enjoyed our time. But it is also time for me to fly. For some reason though, I'm still not able to fully close the door. You never know, I might just be back. . . . .
With that, I bid you adieu.
"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything.
It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it."
(South Park, Tweek Vs. Craig, 1999)

Friday, April 24, 2009

The First Amendment Only Applies

. . . .when you don't have a harassing stalker. . . . .

Texaconsin Diva is going private, if you want in, you've got to ask, but you must also tell who you are (send your blog link, state your name and/or send money - I always accept dinero. Duh):

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Just Something I Know

Some days are more about not knowing your arse from a hole in the ground.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't Know Dum Diddly Doo

I conjured up some homemade salsa yesterday to go along with the husbands and my dinner. Super fab yum!

I decided to eat some with my lunch today as well. Though, I'm thinking garlic, onions and jalapenos were not the best of my consuming choices I have made.

I've now brushed my teeth three times in the past 1.5 hours and followed each with mouthwash. None have worked their magic. I could still kill an elephant with one blow of my breath; let alone what I'm doing to myself.

Why? Why, do you ask, is this anything you should care about? It is majorly important, because I have a massage appointment with a client in 1-hour. (panic!)***

***. . . . And I thought the only thing I really needed to worry about was burping, growling tummy or farting in front a a client. . . .


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I've Done the Calculation and Your Chances of Winning the Lottery Are Identical Whether You Play or Not f. lebowitz


First off, I want to thank those of you who wished me well for my inaugural marathon run this past Sunday, April 5. The generous support I received has been overwhelming! It is also much appreciated.


I have to say, I loved, loved, loved every minute of that run even when at mile 22 my feet began to cramp. I never did hit that infamous "wall" marathoners talk about, so I was more than happy with that. It was amazing. I can think of no other word for how I felt crossing that finish line.

My running partner and I at mile 19

A huge shout-out to the husband. His love and support throughout these past 5-months was absolutely incredible and I could not have done this without him. On numerous occasions, he was my personal Sherpa on my long training runs riding his bike by my side encouraging me on and keeping me hydrated as well as Gu loaded. During the marathon he selflessly carried a camera (and took 350 photos!), sport drinks, waters and Gu as well as jackets and warm clothes for the wind and cold the entire 26.2-miles for my friends and me. Dallas had 27 mile-per-hour winds the entire run with gusts up to 40 miles-per-hour. That wasn't right (yes, it sounds just as bad as it was). But the husband was by my side for most of the run. If my friends fell back for a bit, he slowed to bike next to them and they were so very thankful for that He's such a good soul. A few other racing friends and their wives came to bike it too despite the cold. I have fantastic friends! It was all just . . . amazing. . . !

My domestiques - as well as the husband and I at mile 22 (x2)

Finally, I have to confess, I bawled as the husband hugged me coming across the finish line and then I bawled all over again when one of our honored hero's came up to hug me while I was signing out at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's tent. . . Everything was so surreal for some time after finishing. I couldn't keep any of my tears in check. It was great to finish! I'll be signing up again with Team in Training in 2-weeks time to run the Nike San Francisco Marathon this coming October. I've got to do at least one more. . .

Arriving at the finish line

Me at 26.2-miles

Celebrating 26.2!

Quick physical update: I'm up and moving about, if even a bit more slowly than usual. Everything has been checking out okay and I'm not curled up in a fetal position. The only injury I sustained thus far has been a tiny blister on the tip of my third toe on my right foot. So far, this blister has not been debilitating. I am exhausted, but that took until Tuesday to hit me. I believe adrenaline kept me moving and grooving these past few days. Now I'm ready to sleep. All this to say, I'm good and feeling sweet; just going to hit the pillows.

Once again, thank you all. I hope to someday repay such generosity to each and every one of you.

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” ~ Lance Armstrong