Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Thought I Smelled Jewerly

As many of you may or may not have perceived, I've been stressing lately (and not so mildly), but I can put that all behind me as of this morning. I passed my national boards. I am now an official licensed Massage Therapist in 25 states, including Puerto Rico. That's kinda cool, I think.

My seven readers may also be wondering what I did to celebrate my passing test score? Well, I took my newly licensed bum went into the backyard and performed poo-patrol. . . .

Exams and poo. My life in eight sentences. Somehow I'm missing wine, vodka and cupcakes.


Princess of the Universe said...

That's awesome!!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

YAY!!!! Congrats!!!!!

You ARE coming to TN to celebrate, aren't you?

I have LOTS of wine. Just sayin'!

Ian said...

Congratulations! Well done. Told you you'd rock it...

Hang on, 25 states including Puerto Rico? Do they know about this? :-P

Jay said...

I knew you would kick that test's ass! Great job!! Woo-Hoo!

I'll have a drink to help celebrate!

ETK said...


ETK said...

Dude, that totally cut off some of my "!!!'s". Rude.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO. EXCITED. FOR. YOU! AND TONIC!


Diane J Standiford said...

25 states---AWESOME. Now you can start up the RV.

shanksi said...

Congratulations, Jen. That's so cool. Why only 25 states? Do the other err, 25 or whatever know what they're missing?

Jen said...

EVERYONE: I have the bestest internetz blog readers in the world1 THANK YOU ALL!

Princess: Awwwww! You're the best!

RRL: Tennessee is on the list of 25! I had one bottle of Bordeaux and one bottle of Moet & Chandon (Nectar Imperial) champagne. Almost like LOTS of wine!

Ian: Once again, you are right! Yes, 25 states and Puerto Rico! No, they may not quite know about this. . . . ?

ETK: as mentioned late, late last night ***I'm still laughing***! And, still surprised that GA is not on the list. Access denied!

Diane: I NEVER thought of an RV! Nice! P.S. Little bit of a write-off - RV AND the trip to 25 states! Hmmm. . . .

Shanksi: Usually one can only be licensed for their state of residence & not allowed to practice outside of it. Unless, one takes one of two boards to practice "nationally". Which I did, but I took the one that not every state recognizes. The other one, is completely recognized in all states. This is why this test stressed me out - it was much more difficult than just a one stater exam. . . Anyway, I'm lucky I can practice in 25 (+ one)!

Am I making any sense? I've only had one cappucino this morning.

Jen said...

How was your drink? Mine was gooo-od. Well, I had more than one & me head is feeling it a wee bit this AM, for serious. Et tu Brute?

Tink said...

Yay! Congratulations! You better be doing something more fun to celebrate that poo-patrol. Pfft. Come to Florida and I'll buy you a whole night's worth of drinks.

Fi said...

Again late to the party.....
I'm running out of superlatives will that make up for being so late to comment??
Can you practice in the UK too? If not we'll have to come to you!

Well done again chick..proud of ya!

Jen said...

Tink: after your near miss with Scientology, I think I should be buying you a whole night's worth of drinks.
BTW - I just bought the Stephanie Meyer's 1st 2 books in the series. Have you read them or just the last one? What do you think?

Fi: you and me are the same - I'm always late to the party myself! I don't believe you're late though. And, thank you!

The UK is not one of the 25 (+ one) states I can work massage therapy magic hands in, unfortunately. What's up with that?!


Vikki said...

Very well done Jen :-)
What about the jewellery? I hope it's diamonds xxx

g-man said...

Congratulations!! Now that you are certified, you may drink heavily :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Now I want a massage!!


MrsG said...

That's wonderful news!!! I expect you to catch up on BSG now - it'll be back soon and we must be ready!!! :-) xxx

tt said...

I'm so sorry I missed the party!!! Congrats!!!!! Woo-hoo for you!
I knew you'd do it...you being so smart and talented and....too damn cute!
I hope you got some cupcakes finally. Um...where's the jewelry?

Allison Horner said...

Congrats, chic-a-dee! YAY!!!

You need cupcakes and wine and diamonds! Demand the diamonds!


Wish I could come up there and celebrate with you!

Alex said...


What happens if you practice in one of the other states? Are there massage therapy police?

Do you get your oil confiscated?

Rock Chef said...

Fantastic news! Yay! Girl, you sure know how to celebrate! Can you organise my 25 anniversary when it comes around?

ETK said...

So, what color does that jewelry smell like? Pictures? :D

tt said...

Um.........you through with the cupcakes and wine and stuff yet??? Did you shake it with Nigel???
I'm just sayin'... :)