Saturday, January 31, 2009

When Vultures Drop Dead, It May Be Time To Wonder

The husband said it would be tough; maybe even distressing.  Well. . . those weren't quite the words he used, but suffice it to say he more or less said it would be agonizing.  And that did make me take a slight pause.  

Of course, I ignored it and forged valiantly onward, but only because I'm sick and twisted.    

When it comes down to it, I have to say, once again, the husband's uncanny ability to be right about everything humanly possible (except when he says I'm not dying when I actually am), was exactly on target.  It was dreadfully awful.  And I'm demented.  

Adding 40-pounds of ice to my cold bath water so I could sit in it for 15-minutes is probably not going to be my claim to fame.  

For serious.  

Ooops. . . .I created confusion. Imagine that. So, I need to do a wee bit of clarification for all y'all.  The ice bath was agonizing.  I only ran a training run of 14-miles prior to that.   Currently, my leg muscles feel like a million-trillion euros, even if it seemed as if I was completely and utterly neekid in the subarctic Antarctica where only penguins survive for 15-minutes of my life.  

I did; however, wear a sweatshirt on my upper body.  No reason to completely torture myself. . . Right? 


Jess said...

Ha, yikes! I just don't even know what to say about that!!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Was the ice bath the thing he said would be agonizing? Or was the ice bath the necessary RESULT of the thing he said would be agonizing?


Jen said...

Jess: "Yikes" works! Ha!

Em: I wrote a small Addendum. . . hope that clarifies.

Ian said...

You know. You're a lunatic for this whole marathon thing anyway, so is there such a thing as a double lunatic? 'cos if there is, you're one of them.

Jen said...

Ian: I have a new status update! x's 2, baby! x's 2!

After yesterday, I really did start to wonder about myself. . . . I'm great today. Knees and all! Huzzah!

Anonymous said...

when is the marathon?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

Monkey: April 5th, 2009 - Big D Marathon. My very first marathon! I am currently training with Team in Training. I'm running for something that is much bigger than me.

Jay said...

I've never done the ice bath thing. I did run out of cold water in the shower the other day though. That kinda sucked. LOL ;-)

Fi said...

You crazy girl!

Tink said...

The ice bath would be reason enough for me to NOT participate in a marathon. I'm wimpy like that. But you, you ROCK.

Allison Horner said...

BRRR!!! That's make me cold just thinking of it!!!

How are your mus-culs doin?

Jen said...

Jay: Ow. That's no bueno. I would only recommend the ice bath if your muscles are sore; otherwise, you'd be an insane person to want to do that for any other reason.

Fi: According to Ian, "double lunatic!" Ha!

Tink: Thank you!

Alli: My muscles are great! The ice bath made them feel back to 100%! It works! However, my joints are having a bit more difficulty with the higher mileage, but a bit of ibuprofen and some rest, they're usually good to go the next day.

It was a bit cold come to think of it. . . .