It's times like these that make the week.
As some of you may have noticed, it's Christmas Holiday time. This week. So, it's all crazy-like around the city, state and nation. The husband has been on a night schedule for the last few shifts. He was home last night and even though I'm sick in the head with the pernicious Rhinovirus, I resisted the urge for much needed heavy doses of Nyquil. I tried to stay awake as long as the husband. This was hard. In fact, this was too difficult for my tired, snotty head. I psuedo fell asleep on the couch. . . . . .
The next thing I know, the husband is waking me at midnight with a bowl of freshly hand-popped popcorn, a couple of beers and a "Dr. No" DVD ready for "play".
I made it until 1:30 AM. I have yet to finish the end of the very first "James. James Bond." But I fell a sleep with the hugest ear-to-ear grin this side of Tejas.
Aw! That's so sweet.
I hope you are feeling better!!!
Does T have Christmas off?
That's very sweet...and I hope you feel better for the holidays!!
Beer, popcorn and, I knew I should have proposed to him first.
Bummer on being sick.
Glad you got to "watch a movie" while your hubby was home. :)
Feel better soon and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Bond & Beer. Does it get any better!
You fell asleep on James Bond? That's just wrong! LOL ;-)
Alli: No. The husband does not have Christmas/Eve off. He works all the holidays this year including New Year's Eve/New Year. I'm going to my restaurant by myself tomorrow night (I found out they're open until 8 PM). I'll spend the day at the zoo on Christmas and then come home to make a dinner for us.
I feel somewhat better - at least I'm not laid out on the couch like the last 2 days! Ugh. Thanks!
Jest: It's just my luck to get ill for the holidays! I'm good like that! Thank you! Merry Christmas to you!
Ian: He was a pretty good catch, eh?!
G-man: thanks! Me too on all accounts! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!
Chris B.: There is something to be said for "Bond and Beer" - and I gotta say, we did that with Quantum of Solace too! Love those movie taverns and their buckets of beer!
Jay: Actually, I fell asleep twice! The husband woke me up once and the second time, just before I crashed out without Nyquil, I said I was going to bed. So, I guess that only counts as once. I have yet to watch the end! It IS so wrong! Good point. . . .
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