Monday, March 24, 2008

His Name Is Not Egg Salad

I'm not quite wired correctly today on this lovely (& frigid) Monday morning. Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. Either way it's not yet 7:30 AM and here is what I've accomplished:

  • forgetting to shave one entire leg
  • forgetting to brush my teeth
  • putting on slippers instead of shoes when dressing for school
  • washing my hands and then going back to lotion them, but managed more soap instead
  • putting the milk in the cupboard completely missing the refrigerator

Granted I've caught all such misdemeanors, but you need to understand that I have the rest of Monday to screw up even more so. I have far to drive to get to school on time. I'm a bit nervous about this.

Wish me luck.


Princess of the Universe said...

Good Luck! xo

Jay said...

So, not a morning person, huh? ;-)

Ian said...

Some days, you should just take the universe's hints and go back to bed.

Jen said...

Princess: I needed that! Thank you!

Jay: SO not a morning person, it's not even funny. Sometimes I don't even want people looking at me, let alone breathe the same air as me in the morning.

Ian: I was almost hit 3x's by stoopid drivers on my way home from school today. Your sentiment really hit me - I should have stayed home, but I've got to keep on tempting fate, I guess.

tt said...

sounds like you got slapped by the sterotypical 'Monday'...sounds like someone let Murphy in by mistake! Kick that butthead to the curb,quick!!
Sending you good luck wishes for the rest of the week!!!!!!

Allison Horner said...

I've had many a day like that!! It definitely makes ya want to go back to bed....

Hope the day got better. ;)

Rock Chef said...

Most of these I can understand, but how do you confuse slippers with 5 inch stilettos? Maybe your subconscious is trying to say something?

Jen said...
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Jen said...

tt: my day yesterday sounds like the day you had yesterday. We both need to kick the buttheads to the curb.

Alli: the day somewhat got better after almost being side-swipped 3x's on my way home from school. I was a bit nervous to get on my road bicycle to say the least. No crashes though.

I do want to go back to bed. Always. I love me some bed!

rock chef: such an oversight on my part is unconscionable and unforgivable. Take one pair of stilettos away.

. . . . I can't part; give them back! PLEASE!

Obviously, something is not wired quite right in my brain lately.

***le sigh***

Anonymous said...

Did you make it?

R.E.H. said...

Don't you just love it when the day starts off like that?

I hope you survived Monday. Happy Tuesday! ;)

Tink said...

They have a tonic for days like that. It's called Rum.

I found our electric bill in the freezer the other day...

Jen said...

r.e.h.: more and more of my days are beginning to start like that. I'm not liking too much. Today, I DID remember to brush my teeth, put on regular shoes and stayed away from the milk.

tink: I put all my bills in the freezer. I don't have to look at them that way.

Hey! Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. I love how you're blogging about your morning instead of driving to far away school! Hope you weren't late! And I hope the Monday got better!


g-man said...

Monday's suck. (I was still on vacation Monday :)

tt said...

btw--come over to my place...there's something for ya!! :)

Fi said...

n your own word Jen: always late to the party since it's Wednesday night where I am!
I hope your week has improved??
monday was delayed this week for me(we spent monday packing)so it kinda hit today....I had three attempts at getting into town and kept having to back home for stuff I forgot!!
Kindred spirits you & me.

Jen said...

tt: that is MOST excellent! Thank you!

fi: I splashed toothpaste in my eye this morning. Don't ask. I can't explain. But it hurt like snakes on a plane.

Kindred, yes. Indeed we are! But I'd choose no other to be so with. Hope yours gets better too. Moving does not constitute as fun times. Especially when you have to use actual ships to ship your goods. Golly.

Fi said...

Yeah and worse when you discover that stuff that shouldn't be on the ship but here IS on the ship....No going back! Hurrumpf!

ETK said...

You've been tagged!

Freakazojd said...

Haha - that is REALLY funny!

Speaking of forgetting stuff, do I owe you a soup recipe? Was that you?