Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Joy of Sonancy

The nightmare fairy paid me a visit last night. I woke up in a panic and did not know why. Unusual and frightening. I always remember my dreams. The husband held my hand until I fell back asleep. Undisturbed for the rest of the night.

At the sound of the alarm, I listened to the brief news, Wall Street, weather and traffic information. I headed to the bathroom. I heard an owl. Awesome and beautiful. I had not heard such a call in so long, I'd forgotten.

It hooted all morning. It made me happy. Peaceful.

Then I went out to my truck this morning. It was covered in owl poop.


Ian said...

Lovely. So...buying a shotgun?

Jen said...

And(!) I'm letting the gatos out.

Jay said...

The owl was taking target practice and was celebrating each time he hit the bull-eye!

Allison Horner said...

Gotta love Nature.


Tink said...

It wasn't me. I swear.

Princess of the Universe said...

That's hilarious!
Did you see my response to your award question? There's no ceremony- you've got it. Display it proudly!

m said...

Fabulous. Owls are pretty kick ass, though, aren't they?

Valley Girl said...

I hate nightmares. Your hubby sounds like a sweetie, though.