the husband: ***eyebrows raised***
me: so, the po-po had a speed zone trap on my wa. . .
the husband: did YOU get pulled over?! ***callin' the kettle black***
Pffft. I never.
And, no. I did not get pulled over. If you would just let me finish telling the story. . . .
They are a silly breed, eh?
Speaking of pulled over. I got pulled over for the FIRST TIME EVER last year & got a ticket. Can you believe that? It took me 29 years (okay 13 years of driving)to get pulled over and they jerky trooper wouldn't give me a break! sheesh. Again, MEN!!!
p.s. You know what I noticed today about Google Reader, it doesn't correct the edits one has made to their post after it has been published. I usually go to people's blogs to read it anyway b/c I like the look of the blog & glad I do that! I have at least one friend that just reads my blog from his reader (and never comments on my blog) so that means he never sees my corrections. doh!
Alli: Ino! Men.
And, Google Reader, not cool, man. Not cool. I make tons of corrections after I hit post (as you can see) and I don't like that everyone can see me's thoughts when they're not quite right (Ian! I'm warning you, be nice, foo.)
The last cop who pulled me over was a smart jerk in the Alamo Heights area of San Antonio. He wouldn't believe that I lived there. He didn't think anyone with a crappy car like mine lived in that area. LOL
Bastard just had nothing better to do. He was afraid of real criminals so he harassed people on my street. ;-)
I'm always nice, monkeychild.
Hm it is always good to get the full story first, IMO...
I got pulled over last weekend and slapped with a $114 ticket. Whoops.
PS I hadn't had one since I was 16!!
Jay: I was pulled over in Giddings, TX - a very small town. The Sheriff was a HUGE (muscles) guy & was very nice. But not nice enough to lemmego. My attorney said that I was the ONLY woman in Texas who could ever possibly end up with an actual speeding ticket.
Ian: who you callin' monkeychild? BTW - any new books to that author? I could use a laugh out loud read.
rock chef: It was funny, b/c the last person in this family to get pulled over for SPEEDING was THE HUSBAND. D'oh.
Em: you snuck in there when I was responding! I've had 2 speeding tickets in my life. I've been pulled over several times. . . so I guess I'm pretty lucky. They've let the husband go when I was with him when he's been pulled over, but this last one he was entering onto an "on ramp" for the freeway. Apparently, he accelerated a bit too fast for the po-po's liking. . . He never even let the husband get a word out.
Good thing in Texas is that you have several options to take care of your traffic violation so it gets expunged. The husband paid the fine and a "get out of jail free" type-like fine, was good for 3 months & is now free and clear of this infraction. It won't go on his record nor his insurance. ***phew***
Yeah. Texas is weird like that.
Yeah, I did the 3 months deferred adjudication thing. That was awesome, except you have to drive like a Granny for 3 months.
I think Mil Millington has a new book out in the UK in July, it'll probably be a bit after that in the US, but there's always
I've never been pulled over in 19 years of driving a car. I've had a few parking tickets in my days, and I've had my drivers license revoked once - but I was never pulled over!
Hm, maybe that is why he was eager to assume that YOU had been pulled over. After all, women are SUPPOSED to be the bad drivers aren't they? Not something that I believe, though - as a cyclist 99% of my dodgey moments have been with male drivers.
I got pulled over back in November. Total trap coming over a hill where the speed limit changed suddenly. I did get off with a warning though....very stern Cypriot policeman.
Weird that you mention him, Mil Millington IS funny! Erm....Ian do you want your book back by the way??
Ian: driving like a granny is totally worth it! Why would I go to when I have YOU and the Mrs.? For real.
r.e.h.: you better be knocking on wood. Erm. For good luck! My seven readers need to get their minds out of the gutter. . . .
rock chef: now that you mention it, the husband & I usually almost get hit by the MEN'S folk who are driving when we are on our bikes too. Maybe it has to do with testosterone? Maybe.
Fi: Mil makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD while I'm reading! I need to see if he still has a website.
I. Hate. Speed. Traps. Lucky you!
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